Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Time to Shave

I left Krew in the tub to play with his toys and when I came back to check on him he had Kris' shaving cream all over him and my razor. Luckily he was shaving with the back side of the razor.


Olson Family said...

That is so cute. Good thing he used the back of the razor. Avery figured out the hard way. She no longer touches my razor and may NEVER want to.

Liz Lane said...

Lane found Brant's razor last weekend--he had perfectly parallel slices in his upper ear. Bled like a stuck pig. And it hurt. It was so awful. It took forever to stop the bleeding. Brant put a bunch of cottonballs on it and tape it to the side of his face. A bandaid would not work. Ughh! I'm glad Krew did not hurt himself.

jayandminalyn said...

How cute. It's lucky he didn't cut himself. He is so cute, sure do miss him. Love you

Monica said...

Crimany - you are one lucky mom with that one. Kids always seem to be interested in razors. Nice job keeping the camera high! Kidding - cute pics!

The Framptons said...