Krew still loves spiderman so we had another spiderman birthday for him this year. Grandma and Grandpa King, Aunt Wendy and Darci, and Aunt Dona and Scott came. Krew was so excited for his party and cake, he asked all day if he could see his cake so I would get it out and then he would just look at it. We had to do it at night because everyone was busy until them and Krew was so patient. Kris was working until 3pm but the boys he works with had to volunteer at the special olympics rodeo so Krew and I met them there. Well it happened to be someone elses birthday and so the they sang happy birthday on the speakers. When they started singing Krew's eyes got big and he turned to me and said "Mom they're singing happy birtday to me!"
Krew Facts for 2010
Weigh: 26 lbs ( only about 2 lbs more than he did 2 yrs ago)
Things he loves: Helping dad fix things and giving mom hugs and kisses.
Food he likes: Broccoli, Chicken, Tuna fish, and CHOCOLATE.
Favorit Toys: Spiderman, Batman, Thomas the Tank, and every toy he sees.