Monday, August 31, 2009

More St. George pic

Taylor, Brent, Jake, Jayley, Brent, Jaden, Ashley, & Krew
Taylor, Brent, Jake, Jayley, & Ashley just chillin at the end of the stream

Jaden, she didn't want her picture taken

Sam and Krew, they had a blast together.
Can you believe they are only a year apart?

Sam and Krew just chillin


The Johnsons said...

I love St. George...I love the red rock, it looks so inviting. Are you there visiting? I also got caught up with some of your latest pics. Krew is always SO cute. Loved the Elk. Had a panic attack with you over the razor :) And had to laugh about Krew in the old tub behind the car. I want to hear the story behind that one. That picture deserves a post of its own!

Olson Family said...

You didn't call me. My kids were sick all week anyways. We go to that splash pad atleast once a week. Hope you had fun.